1. Rebuilding used indexes.
2. Filtering out unused indexes.
3. Creating missing indexes.
4. Minimum User Intervention.
- Only highly used indexes are rebuild, which decreases the overhead of rebuilding each and every indexes.
- All unused indexes are filtered out and are saved for future analysis, where one can decide to keep them or do away with them.
- At each step the result goes in to a history table, which helps in tracking the index information and will also help in avoiding duplicate indexes.
- As most of index tuning revolves around DMV's, this strategy provides a controlled environment where in the index information exists even if the server is restarted.
Step 1: Rebuilding Used Indexes
Create Table tblIndexUsageInfo ( Sno int identity(1,1), Dbname Varchar(100), TableName varchar(100), IndexName Varchar(300), Index_id int, ConstraintType varchar(25), Type_desc varchar(100), IndexKeyColumn Varchar(1000), IncludedColumn Varchar(1000), user_seeks int, user_scans int, user_lookups int, user_update int, IndexUsage int, IndexSizeKB int, IndexUSageToSizeRatio decimal(10,2) )
- ConstraintType: It tells whether the index in concern is an index or a primary key constraint.
- IndexKeyColumn: It Includes the Index key columns.I have used the function Uf_GetIndexCol to get the values. The code for which is given below.
- IncludedColumn: It Includes the Index Included columns.I have used the function Uf_GetIndexCol to get values. The code for which is given below.
- IndexUsage: It is the sum of user_seeks,user_scans,user_lookups and user_updates column.
- IndexSizeKB: It is the size of the index in question. I have used the function Uf_GetIndexSize to get the size. The code for which is given below.
- IndexUSageToSizeRatio: It is the index usage to index size ratio. (IndexUsage/IndexSizeKB)
CREATE function Uf_GetIndexCol (@index_id int,@tableid int,@isincluded bit) returns varchar(3000) As BEGIN return ( stuff( (select ',' + sc.name from sys.columns sc, sys.index_columns sic,sys.indexes si where sc.column_id=sic.column_id and si.index_id=sic.index_id and sc.object_id=sic.object_id and si.object_id=sic.object_id and sic.is_included_column=@isincluded and si.object_id=@tableid and si.index_id=@index_id for xml path('')),1,1,'') ) END
Create Function [dbo].[Uf_GetIndexSize] (@index_id int,@tableid int) Returns float AS BEGIN return (select sum(cast(reserved as float))*8192/(1024) from sysindexes where indid=@index_id and id=@tableid) End
Create Proc proc_FilltblIndexUsageInfo AS Begin Truncate table tblIndexUsageInfo insert into tblIndexUsageInfo select distinct db_name(db_id()) DbName, so.name as 'TableName', ISNULL(si.name,'No Index') as IndexName, si.index_id, Case When is_primary_key=1 then 'Primary Key Constraint' Else 'Index' End ConstraintType, si.type_desc, dbo.Uf_GetIndexCol(si.index_id,so.object_id,0) As IndexKeyColumn, dbo.Uf_GetIndexCol(si.index_id,so.object_id,1) As IncludedCols, spi.user_seeks,spi.user_scans,spi.user_lookups,spi.user_updates, (user_seeks+user_scans+user_lookups+user_updates) as 'IndexUsage ', dbo.Uf_GetindexSize(si.index_id,so.object_id) 'IndexSizeKB', Cast( (user_seeks+user_scans+user_lookups+user_updates)/ dbo.Uf_GetindexSize(si.index_id,so.object_id) As decimal(10,2)) As IndexUsagetoSizeRatio from sys.objects so inner join sys.indexes si on so.object_id=si.Object_id inner join sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats spi on spi.Object_id=so.Object_id inner join sys.index_columns sic on sic.object_id=si.object_id and sic.index_id=si.index_id inner join sys.columns sc on sc.Column_id=sic.column_id and sc.object_id=sic.object_id inner join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS c on so.name=c.TABLE_NAME where so.type='u' END
Create table tblMostUsedIndexes ( Sno int identity(1,1), TableName varchar(100), IndexName varchar(1000), Index_id int, SchemaName Varchar(100), TableId int, IndexUsage int, IndexUSageToSizeRatio decimal(10,2) )
Create Proc proc_InsertMostUsedIndexes (@IndexUSageToSizeRatio decimal(10,2),@indexusage int) As Begin insert into tblMostUsedIndexes select b.TableName,b.IndexName, (select index_id from sys.indexes where name=b.IndexName) As Index_id, ss.name As Schemaname,object_id(tablename),IndexUsage,IndexUSageToSizeRatio from tblIndexUsageInfo b,sys.tables st,sys.schemas ss where (b.indexusage>=@indexUsage Or IndexUSageToSizeRatio>=@IndexUSageToSizeRatio) and st.name=tablename and st.schema_id=ss.schema_id and b.indexname not in (select indexname from tblMostUsedIndexes) group by b.indexname,b.tablename,ss.name,b.IndexUSageToSizeRatio,b.indexusage End
Execute proc_InsertMostUsedIndexes 10.00,100
Create Proc proc_RebuildSelectedIndexes As BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON /* Code to Rebuild or Reorganise index */ Declare @Schema varchar(200),@Tablename varchar(200) Declare @indexName varchar(400),@Qry varchar(1000),@RecCount int Declare @avg_frag decimal,@dbid int,@ObjectId int Declare @IndexCount int,@TotalRec int,@Index_type varchar(50) Declare @IndexRebuildCount int,@IndexReorgCount int,@IxOpr varchar(10)Declare @index_id int Set @IndexRebuildCount = 0 Set @IndexReorgCount = 0 set @IxOpr='' set @dbid=db_id() select @RecCount=sno from tblMostUsedIndexes set @TotalRec=@RecCount While(@RecCount>0) BEGIN select @Schema=schemaname,@TableName=TableName,@ObjectId=tableid, @index_id=index_id from tblMostUsedIndexes where sno=@RecCount SELECT IDENTITY(int,1,1) as Sno,a.[name] IndexName,avg_fragmentation_in_percent as avg_frag, type_desc,a.index_id into #temp_2 FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(@dbid, @objectid, @index_id, NULL , 'Limited') as b join sys.indexes as a on a.object_id = b.object_id AND a.index_id = b.index_id and a.index_id>0 select @IndexCount=sno from #temp_2 While(@IndexCount>0) BEGIN select @avg_frag=avg_frag,@IndexName=indexname,@Index_Type=type_desc from #temp_2 where sno=@IndexCount IF(@avg_frag<=20) BEGIN set @Qry='Alter index ' + @IndexName + ' ON ' + @Schema + '.' + @TableName + ' REORGANIZE;' Set @IndexReorgCount=@IndexReorgCount + 1 set @IxOpr='REORGANIZE' END IF(@avg_frag>20) BEGIN set @Qry='Alter index ' + @IndexName + ' ON ' + @Schema + '.' + @TableName + ' REBUILD;' Set @IndexRebuildCount = @IndexRebuildCount + 1 set @IxOpr='REBUILD' END print @qry EXECUTE(@qry) set @IndexCount=@IndexCount-1 END drop table #temp_2 set @RecCount=@RecCount - 1 END SET NOCOUNT OFF END
Step2: Eliminating Unused Index
- Indexes that does not exist in the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats dmv.
- Indexes with Indexusage Or IndexUsageToSizeRatio less than the threshold value
Create table tblUnusedIndexes ( UnusedIndid int identity(1,1), Schemaname varchar(100), tablename varchar(100), IndexName varchar(500), IndexUsage int, IndexUsageToSizeRatio decimal(10,2), IndexKey varchar(1000), IncludedCol varchar(1000), ConstraintType varchar(1000), IndexSizeKB int, DropQry varchar(4000), IndexStatus varchar(20) default 'Active' )
Create Procedure proc_FilltblUnusedIndexes (@IndexUsageToSizeRatio decimal(10,2),@indexusage int) As Begin insert into tblUnusedIndexes ( Schemaname, tablename, IndexName, IndexUsage, IndexUsageToSizeRatio, IndexKey, IncludedCol, ConstraintType, IndexSizeKB, DropQry ) -- Indexes that does not exist in sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats select ss.name SchemaName,so.name as TableName, ISNULL(si.name,'NoIndex') as IndexName,0 IndexUsage,0 IndexUsageToSizeRatio, dbo.Uf_GetIndexCol(si.index_id,so.object_id,0) As IndexKey, dbo.Uf_GetIndexCol(si.index_id,so.object_id,1) As IncludedCol, Case When is_primary_key=1 then 'Primary Key Constraint' Else 'Index'End ConstraintType, dbo.Uf_GetIndexSize(si.index_id,so.object_id) As IndexSizeInKB, Case When (is_primary_key=1) then ('alter table ' + so.name + ' drop constraint ' + si.name) Else ('Drop Index ' + ss.name + '.' + so.name + '.' + si.name) End As DropQry from sys.objects so inner join sys.indexes si on so.object_id=si.Object_id inner join sys.schemas ss on ss.schema_id=so.schema_id where not exists (select * from sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats spi where si.object_id=spi.object_id and si.index_id=spi.index_id) and so.type='U' and ss.schema_id<>4 and si.index_id>0 and si.name not in (select indexname from tblUnusedIndexes) union -- Indexes that doesn't satisfy the Indexusage criteria. select ss.name,b.TableName,b.IndexName, b.IndexUsage ,b.IndexUsageToSizeRatio, dbo.Uf_GetIndexCol(b.index_id,object_id(b.tablename),0) As IndexKey, dbo.Uf_GetIndexCol(b.index_id,object_id(b.tablename),1) As IncludedCol, b.ConstraintType, dbo.Uf_GetIndexSize(b.index_id,object_id(b.tablename)) As IndexSizeInKB, Case b.ConstraintType When 'Index' then ('Drop Index ' + ss.name + '.' + b.TableName + '.' + b.IndexName) Else ('alter table ' + b.TableName + ' drop constraint ' + b.IndexName) End DropQry from tblIndexUsageInfo b,sys.tables st,sys.schemas ss where(b.indexusage<=@indexUsage Or IndexUsageToSizeRatio<=@IndexUsageToSizeRatio) and st.name=tablename and st.schema_id=ss.schema_id and b.indexname not in (select indexname from tblUnusedIndexes) group by b.indexname,b.tablename,ss.name,ss.schema_id, b.ConstraintType,b.index_id,b.indexusage,b.IndexUsageToSizeRatio END
Create Proc proc_DropUnusedIndex @UnusedIndID int As Begin Declare @SqlStr Varchar(4000) select @SqlStr=DropQry from tblunusedindexes where UnusedIndid=@UnusedIndID BEGIN TRAN BEGIN TRY Execute(@SqlStr) Update tblunusedindexes Set IndexStatus='Dropped' where UnusedIndID=@UnusedIndID END TRY BEGIN CATCH select ERROR_MESSAGE() as ErrorMessage IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRANSACTION print 'Index dropped Successfully' END
Step 3: Creating Missing Indexes
Create table tblMissingIndexes ( Sno int identity(1,1), DatabaseName varchar(100), tablename varchar(200), Significance decimal(10,0), CreateIndexStatement varchar(8000), Status varchar(20) default ('NotCreated') )
Create procedure proc_FindMisisngIndexes As BEGIN insert into tblMissingIndexes(DatabaseName,tablename, Significance,Createindexstatement) select db_name(sid.database_id),sid.statement, (avg_total_user_cost * avg_user_impact) * (user_scans + user_seeks) As Significance, dbo.fn_CreateIndexStmt ( sid.statement, sid.equality_columns, sid.inequality_columns, sid.included_columns) from sys.dm_db_missing_index_details sid, sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats sigs, sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups sig where sig.index_group_handle=sigs.group_handle and sid.index_handle=sig.index_handle order by significance desc END
Create function fn_CreateIndexStmt ( @statement varchar(1000), @Equalitycols varchar(1000), @InEqualitycols varchar(1000), @Includedcols varchar(1000) ) Returns varchar(5000) AS Begin Declare @str varchar(5000),@tablename varchar(100) set @tablename=substring(substring(@statement,charindex('.',@statement)+1,len(@statement)), charindex('.',substring(@statement,charindex('.',@statement)+1,len(@statement)))+1, len(substring(@statement,charindex('.',@statement)+1,len(@statement)))) set @Includedcols=Replace(Replace(@Includedcols,']',''),'[','') set @Equalitycols=Replace(Replace(Replace(@Equalitycols,']',''),', ','_'),'[','') set @InEqualitycols=Replace(Replace(Replace(@InEqualitycols,']',''),', ','_'),'[','') set @str='Create Index Ix_' + replace(replace(@tablename,']',''),'[','') set @str=Case WHEN @Equalitycols is NULL THEN @str ELSE (@str + '_' + ISNULL(@Equalitycols,'')) END set @str=Case WHEN @InEqualitycols is NULL THEN @str ELSE (@str + '_' + ISNULL(@InEqualitycols,'')) END set @str=@str + ' ON ' + @statement + '(' + CASE WHEN @Equalitycols IS NULL THEN '' ELSE replace(ISNULL(@Equalitycols,''),'_',',') END + CASE WHEN @InEqualitycols IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ',' + replace(ISNULL(@InEqualitycols,''),'_',',') END +')' set @str=Case WHEN @Includedcols is NULL THEN @str ELSE @str + 'Include (' + ISNULL(@Includedcols,'') + ')' END return @str END
Create Procedure proc_CreateMissingIndexes @significance decimal(10,0) AS Begin Declare @Count int,@SqlStr varchar(8000) set @SqlStr='' Select Identity(int,1,1) AS Sno,CreateIndexStatement into #temp from tblmissingindexes where significance>@significance select @count=count(*) from #temp While(@count>=0) Begin select @SqlStr=CreateIndexStatement from #temp where sno=@count update tblmissingindexes set Status='Created' where sno=@count exec(@sqlStr) set @count=@Count - 1 END END
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